Reshenda L. Younger Poet, writer with a love for sewing and designing clothes! As a new artist out on the market, my plans are to be able to read my work wherever there are listeners. And people who love to read a good uplifting, humorous, motivating book for the universe. In addition my dream is to start up my first website to have it available for summer 2022. The website will read Coming soon (www.vmmrlypubpoetry.com).
Listed below are some awards of recognition for writing poetry.
Reshenda L. Younger, born in Washington D.C. December 20, 1961. Never married, with no, children. Some of my hobby interest and likes; are cooking, sewing, art, music, and writing! I love the outdoors like camping, the beach area and other social enjoyment, such as, entertaining family and friends! With outdoor bar-b-ques! Or sometimes watch movies, have some Popcorn handy, and field and gymnastics. When it comes to animals, one of my personal favorite’s; are Horses, wish I could ride them as much as I like them.
When did you first discover that you enjoy writing and wanted to become a published author?
At a younger age I was writing my brother’s love letters and SA’s for our church contest and won. Also, in school I was writing for different projects that they had. Throughout college my papers and reports that I wrote where all saved and kept by my professors. Along with much encouragement from many growing up saying, that I should think about a career in writing. But I’ve been blessed with so many other talents such as sewing, drawing, painting, music, and having the gift to have great communication skills helps as well in any field of talent and or skills learned.
What is your favorite and the most challenging aspect of writing?
Freedom of expression, when you write a note a letter a poem a song or a novel or anything in writing form. People listen because the words written are brought to light in their mind in their heart and vision. They hear it loud and clear. The Author!
Tell us about your latest release.
The latest release is my New Re-Branded Book I call the 2nd Edition of the 1st Published book. It’s the same title with some of the same pages but upgraded with more style and added pages in the back of the book called “fast forward from then to now”. Also, I got to choose my Book cover this time showing my own design idea. Poetry, motivational messages, quotes to inspire, song lyrics with short snippet stories.
How did you come up with the title of your book?
Well at first it started out to be just poetry, then at the time I thought just poetry won’t do it, so I decided to combine the two separate books that I was already working on and infuse the two various styles of writing with some other added page titles to show my different genres. So therefore, we have “Various poetic waves of the mind with solitude words of vision” feat. “I talk to you U talk to me” The short snippet sections.
When I think it, I write it! When it comes to my mind, I type it!
The Author
What do you hope readers are able to get from reading your story?
What I hope is that a page a quote a poem a song or story touches their heart, and make them say hum… she’s on point, that made my day, or I was so inspired it kept me going. The feed back is my most reward from people who show an interest in my work and embraces my words of wisdom from my own experiences and or blessed thoughts that flow through me.
The Author
Who are some of your favorite authors?
There is no favorite Author for me, because I knew back in my younger years that I would be a writer. So being that I myself retain information so well, I did not want to read someone else’s book because I didn’t want to write what I had read from my own memory. Therefore, when I write it’s raw, it’s me, it’s mine and mine alone. I need for the readers to welcome my own flavor of literary muse. Now don’t get me wrong I do know the names of some writers who has inspired me in their movies and their history of accomplishments. But for now, I believe anyone who writes and has the gift to touch the hearts of mankind is gifted. When you can reach people with your words it is very POWERFUL! And with that said, all writers are FAVORITES EVENTHOU I MAY NOT KNOW THEIR NAME OR SOME OF THEIR WORKS. We are all working to touch the hearts of the WORLD.
The Author
Do you have any advice for writers looking to get published?
Yes, stay true to yourself, listen to your thoughts as they scroll through your mind. Write down your thoughts write down the date of your work and sign it. It’s the rough draft that is important for you to start your story, or poem or diary, etc. Write from your heart and do your research to find which publishers represent your style of writing. The rules are you must get permission to submit any type of work, before just sending it out. Build up your resume of writing materials, enter writing contest, if you need more help go to seminars or writers’ retreats. Remember a writer tells a story that may become a movie script, or a Broadway show, maybe even a song. Visualize your story plot as if you’re watching a movie on TV. Know how you would like to receive the visual in your own mind. Make sure you are always given a positive message, TESTIMONY, a self-help piece of work when sharing your own personal experiences. There are Self-Publishing companies all over the world if you’re unable to obtain a CONTRACT WITH TRADE PUBLISHING HOUSES.
The Author